Sunday 26 October 2008

Layouts For Website

This template idea works well as the Image is taking up the majority of page, with the navigation buttons at the bottom. I feel that the small icons rolling along the bottom would work well, an easy way to navigate from image to image.

This template could work really well as everything within the site operates from a small space. Keeping everything together would keep the design quite tight and minimal, using negative space.

Using two templates, one for type and one for imagery. This is a good way to differentiate the image based work to the more type based work. Also using a cursor to scroll up and down helps to keep the site easy to navigate around.

I feel this layout could work well, as the en thesis is on the image which takes up majority of the space on the page.
I feel that this approach would be the best way to showcase the work, keeping a strong idea of imagery throughout the site.

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